Most frequent questions and answers
Kiwi Hanyu is a Chinese Teaching Resource website for New Zealand schools. All resources are FREE to the members of New Zealand Chinese Language Teachers Association (NZCLTA). Please join the Association to get FREE access if you are not a member yet.

Step 1: Please click to fill out the membership form
Step 2: Please transfer the NZ$50 annual membership fee to the association account:
New Zealand Chinese Language Teachers Association (NZCLTA)
ASB Account #: 12-3617-0005091-00
Please make sure to include your school name and/or your name in the reference, for example: Tina. Huang, XX School.
If you request an invoice for your payment, please contact [email protected]
Step 3: After we have received both your form and fee, we will send you a confirmation email.

Once we have received your membership fee, our IT supporter will create an account for you. You will be sent an email with login details including how to reset your Password
Please email your full name and email address to us at [email protected] we will send you a link to get back into your account.